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Ceud Mile Fàilte.
... A Hundred Thousand WelcomesSince our inception in 1977 Inverness Fiddlers have always been part of the local scene, playing for public events and for charities, retirement homes and other good causes.
We also play for concerts and ceilidhs throughout the Highlands, and have close links with other fiddle societies in Scotland with a highlight being our annual Rally, usually held in February or March, which features players from all over Scotland and beyond! See our Fiddlers' Rally Page.
The Fiddlers have links of music and friendship with musicians in Denmark and Sweden, and these have encouraged visits in both directions, with much sharing of music.
We have also taken our music to Cape Breton, France, Germany, Poland and Ireland - and look forward to other foreign visits. One of the most memorable Scandinavian visits was to Gothenburg in October 2010, where we visited our friends the Swedish nickelharpa group, Lommebos. We had a very successful Irish visit to celebrate our 40th Anniversary in September 2017.
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/invernessfiddlers